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Donations for Humanitarian Support to Ukrainian People by Otsuka Holdings and Otsuka Group Companies

March 16, 2022

July 28, 2022 (Updated)

Based on the corporate philosophy of Otsuka-people creating new products for better health worldwide, the Otsuka group of companies strives to contribute to the health of people around the world. As a health-related company, all of us at Otsuka are deeply saddened by and concerned about the situation in Ukraine, and sincerely hope that the Ukrainian people can again lead safe and peaceful lives as soon as possible.
Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. has decided to donate 20 million yen (approximately USD 164,000) through the Japanese Red Cross Society for humanitarian assistance to people whose lives have been severely affected in Ukraine and who have been evacuated to surrounding countries.
In addition, Otsuka Holdings is providing support to patients and people involved in treatment through the provision of Otsuka products including pharmaceuticals.

Otsuka group companies and their employees are also making financial and product contributions, including those described below :

Companies based in North America

■Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc./Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc.
-Set up a matching gift program with the goal to contribute a total of USD 100,000 (USD 50,000 from employees and an equal amount by the company). Matching gifts are donated to some international organizations.

■Taiho Oncology, Inc. (on behalf of Taiho subsidiaries in North America and Europe)
-Pledged a donation of USD 25,000 to the American Red Cross.
-Also has a matching gift program for employee contributions of up to USD 500 per employee.

-Set up a matching gift program for employee donations to charities with the goal to contribute USD 50,000 in total. Recipient charities are some international organizations.

■Daiya Foods, Inc.
-Set up a matching gift program for employee donations of up to USD 500 per employee to the charity of their choice that supports humanitarian relief efforts related to Ukraine.
-Donating Daiya products to food banks in Toronto and Winnipeg that support refugees arriving from Ukraine.

Companies based In Europe

■Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd.
-Pledged a donation of €100,000 (USD 110,000) to the Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

■Nutrition & Santé SAS
-To date, has donated 24 palettes of the company's products such as cookies and cereals to refugee centers in Poland.

■ Otsuka Novel Products GmbH
-To date, has coordinated with the Stop TB Partnership to enable Otsuka’s anti-tuberculosis product DELTYBA to reach treatment sites for refugees in areas adjacent to Ukraine.

Companies based in Japan

■Taiho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
- Provided 8,400 vials of "Zosyn 2.25" and 8,000 vials of "Zosyn 4.5," Taiho's antibiotic agent, based on requests for pharmaceutical assistance from the Ukrainian government that we received through the Embassy of Ukraine.
- Provided 53,500 vials of "Zosyn 2.25" and 45,460 vials of "Zosyn 4.5," Taiho's antibiotic agent, based on additional request through the same approach as previous assistance.

■Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc.
- Provided about16,000 bottles of our IV solutions, based on requests for pharmaceutical assistance from the Ukrainian government that we received through the Embassy of Ukraine.

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  • Donations for Humanitarian Support to Ukrainian People by Otsuka Holdings and Otsuka Group Companies