Various reports
To deepen stakeholders' understanding of how the Otsuka group creates value based on its corporate philosophy, Otsuka Holdings reports its business activities through various media.
Integrated Report
The Integrated Report presents non-financial information that serves as the foundation for the Otsuka Group's growth,
together with financial information, and reports on the Group's "strengths" and its efforts to achieve its goals.
(We started to refer to this as the 'Integrated Report 2024' in accordance with the year of its issue.)

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1. Creating Otsuka Group’s Desired Well-being Future
- Introduction
2. Unique Value Creation System
- Message from the CEO
- Uniqueness of Otsuka Group’s Value Creation
- The Value Creation Process
- Message from the COO
- Risks and Opportunities
- The Otsuka Group’s Approach to Sustainability and Our Materiality
- Message from the Director in Charge of Sustainability
3. Growth Strategy for Creating Well-being Future
- Review of Current and Past Medium-Term Management Plans/Looking Forward to the Next Medium-Term Management Plan
- Outline of 4th Medium-Term Management Plan
- Message from the CFO
- Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
- Business Strategy
- R&D/Pipelines
4. Sustainability for the Otsuka Group; Creating the Future
- Human Capital
- Human Rights
- Business Partners
- Environment
- Quality
- Governance (Outside Director Roundtable meeting)
- Main Financial Data
- Materiality (FY2023)
- FAQ from Investors
- Corporate Info./Group Structure, etc.
- Stock Info.
- Attestation of Validity
Otsuka Group Sustainability Handbook
In this handbook, we present examples of our stance and initiatives with respect to sustainability in an easily accessible format for the general public.

Full version
Sustainability Report
In the Sustainability Report, we introduce, for a wide range of stakeholders, our initiatives for achieving sustainability in the Otsuka group.