Process for Determining Materiality (Material Issues)
Materiality is initiatives that Otsuka is focused on. To determine the Otsuka group’s material issues, we first compiled a list of social issues, referencing a range of international guidelines and frameworks, including ISO 26000, GRI, and the U.N. SDGs. We narrowed down the list of issues by evaluating them in terms of their importance, taking into account our ability to contribute to a solution, their impact on business, and our strengths. Issues were then discussed by the Sustainability Promotion Committee1 and approved at the Otsuka Holdings Board of Directors meeting. As a result, the material issues of the Otsuka group were determined to be: society (health, people, quality in all we do), environment (carbon neutrality, circular economy, water neutrality), and governance. More than four years have passed since identifying these material issues, so we are currently conducting a review of materiality aligned with our Fourth Medium-Term Management Plan.
*1The Sustainability Promotion Committee promotes sustainability throughout the Otsuka group. The committee’s responsibilities include discussing and deciding on the direction and plans for sustainability activities. The Otsuka Holdings director in charge of sustainability promotion serves as the committee chair. Committee members comprise group managers of departments relating to sustainability and the sustainability officers of each company.
Details on the sustainability management structure here
Map of Social Issues
We compiled a list of the social issues relevant to the Otsuka group’s businesses, and created a map of social issues considering their importance in terms of sustainability and their degree of impact on business activities.
*2The situation where productivity does not go up due to the poor condition of the mind and body despite coming to work
The Otsuka Group’s Materiality (Material Issues) and Related SDGs
Materiality | Social Issues | Our Goals | Our Activities | Related SDGs | |
Society (Healthier Society) |
Health |
People |
Quality in All We Do |
Environment (Healthier Planet) |
Carbon Neutrality*1 |
Circular Economy*2 |
Water Neutrality*3 |
Governance |
- *1Sustainable energy use, *2 Sustainable use of raw materials, *3 Sustainable use of water resources
Relationship between Materiality and the Medium-Term Management Plan
Guided by our corporate philosophy, the Otsuka group identifies material issues from a significant, long-term perspective for achieving sustainable growth in harmony with society. This view and approach continue to guide our business operations as we set our goals for 2023 at the same time of the announcement of the Third Medium-Term Management Plan.